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Kamis, 05 Agustus 2010

2 Subtitle Maker, TRANSLATOR, Editor

Lagi bingung cari subtitle?
Yang ketemu bahasa asing yang sama sekali gak bisa?
Ingin bikin subtitle ?
Ingin edit subtitle ?

Nih ada software untuk translate, maker, dan edit subtitle FREE
Khusus untuk translate harus ada koneksi internet ya karna sync ma google translate
Walau hasilnya translate ya lebih baik daripada ga ada ,apalagi kalau bahasanya udah bahasa negara yang ga kita ngerti sama sekali


2 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

There are various types of tools available in the market and the tools use to come in wizard form. The tool use to provide a wizard, which has options for carry out the required operation.But This wizard so different and very good so we can easily make make translate and edit the subtitle.

srt translation

Unknown mengatakan...

great, but subtile translation wizard not free

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